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Armenia, Quindío, Colombia

Virtual hiring

Optimizing the Recruitment Process: Development of Virtual Hiring Software for Human Resources.

In a constantly evolving world, virtual hiring has become a fundamental pillar for companies seeking global talent and efficiency in the recruitment process. In this context, software development has emerged as an invaluable ally for human resources departments, enabling the transformation and optimization of hiring processes.

Traditional recruitment practices have given way to a more agile and efficient approach. Virtual hiring has gained ground, allowing companies to delegate part of their operational process to the worker. This digital revolution has brought with it the need for tools and platforms that facilitate and accelerate this process.

The development of software specifically for virtual hiring has become an invaluable asset for human resources departments and the companies that manage them. On this occasion, QSOFTING developed a technological solution for implementing a platform that facilitates the entire online hiring process from start to finish, mainly enabling:

  • Management of standardized data configurations such as ARLs, EPS, AFPs, payment methods, among others.
  • Management of templates for generating paperless documents.
  • Management of standardized attached documents, which must be requested from workers.
  • Creation of contracts and sending of online hiring links.
  • Online hiring by workers.
  • Generation of a completely paperless resume.
  • Management and tracking of hires.
  • Among other functional capabilities.

This software solution not only benefited our client by streamlining the hiring process, minimizing operations, reducing costs, cutting down on paper usage, and improving the quality of hires, but it also offered an improved experience for candidates by providing them with a more transparent, accessible, and efficient process.

If you’re a company with constant hiring needs, contact us, and we will make our technical, technological, and consulting experience available to help optimize your processes and achieve the digital transformation goals you’ve been waiting for.

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