+57 320 663 8076 | +57 312 844 0227

Armenia, Quindío, Colombia

Correspondence and zero paper

Optimization of Communication Flow for Private, State, and Semi-State Companies

Optimize Your Communication Flow, PQRSD Management, and Incoming Correspondence, Regardless of Your Business Type: Private (SME or Large Enterprise), State or Semi-State (Urban Planning Offices, Notaries, etc.).

With our modular service system, you can begin the business transformation you’ve been waiting for. Additionally, you can request the development of new modules, either through rental or by purchasing our base product. We are your strategic partner in the tech area.

Our system management also allows for:

  • Role-based navigation and permissions.
  • General administration based on the organizational structure, including Types of Locations, Locations, Positions, Dependencies, Users, and Work Calendar.
  • Management of digital signatures for users.
  • Management of incoming correspondence and PQRSD.
  • Management of outgoing correspondence and closing of PQRSD.
  • Web portal for citizens and businesses (online PQRSD).
  • Zero paper internal correspondence management (Creation, publishing, and distribution of internal information with zero paper).
  • Collaborative tools such as Group Management and Meeting Minutes.

Contact our team to optimize your communications, reduce paper usage, improve collaborative work, and increase your digital transformation rates.

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